There may be situations where you cannot translate MySQL functions or syntax into a convenient DB2 format. 可能会出现无法将MySQL函数或语法转换成对应的DB2格式的情况。
Vim associates some word to be a keyword using the format: syntax keyword Vim使用以下格式把特定的单词标识为关键字:syntaxkeyword
The Atom syntax provides a format for expressing Web annotations. Atom语法提供一种用来表达Web注解的格式。
The Turtle syntax for Resource Description Framework ( RDF) is a useful way to capture this information in a format that non-technical users can review. 资源描述框架(ResourceDescriptionFramework,RDF)的Turtle语法非常有用,它可以使用适合非技术用户查看的格式捕获这些概念。
The complete syntax for format specifiers is beyond the scope of this article, but you can find links to more information in the Resources section. formatspecifier的完整语法超出了本文的讨论范围,更多信息,可以参见本文的参考资料小节。
Variables, syntax format, and structure inside bash scripting bash脚本编程中的变量、语法格式和结构
However, even within an RDBMS environment, the actual syntax and format of the SQL statements may vary depending on the particular database product. 然而,即便是都是关系型数据库的环境下,由于不同的数据库产品,也会导致SQL在使用上,语法和格式也各不相同。
Syntax error, expecting format expression, near:% 1 语法错误,应为格式表达式,靠近:%1
In this case, the syntax doesn't specify the format of the photo. It's assumed ( maybe incorrectly) that all applications accessing this attribute agree on the handling of values. 在这种情况下,该语法并没有指定相片的格式。它假设(也许不正确)所有访问该属性的应用程式就其值的处理保持一致。
This syntax for the journal is only valid when constructing the format name for the queue. 此日记语法仅当构造队列的格式名时才有效。
And XML syntax is an easy output format for code generation. 对于代码生成来说,XML语法有非常简单的输出格式。
Analyze the retrieval syntax of each search engine in detail, extract the common format from the most search engines, define the syntax in XML. 其中详细分析了每个搜索引擎的查询语法,尽可能地抽取大多数搜索引擎共同支持的语法格式,以XML形式定义了自己的语法规范。
First, through the analysis of XML syntax, we define the XML tree: all of its nodes have the same format. The XML tree helps to map an irregular XML document to a regular XML tree. 首先,通过对XML语法的分析,定义了XML树,XML树是一棵结构规则的树所有的节点都具有相同的格式。
In present paper, we report on model syntax, suggestions for design, running Mini-Expert and how to convert EXPERT models to Mini-Expert format. 主要介绍Mini-Expert系统的专家模型语法,如何设计一个专家横型,如何运行系统以及如何把EXPERT模型转换成Mini-Expert形式等问题。
, is a management infrastructure that supports the syntax of CIM, the Managed Object Format ( MOF), and a common programming interface. 此应用管理的基础结构支持CIM语法、托管对象格式(MOF)和通用编程接口。
According to the function, syntax format and semantic requirements of instructions, we build instruction type sets and instruction operand sets of microprocessor. 根据指令集构造的指令功能、语法格式和语义要求,建立了微处理器指令类型集合和指令操作数集合;
Nowadays, kinds of video coding standards have been developed, which are different from each other in syntax as well as in compressing-rate, bit-rate and picture format. They are designed for diverse networks, decoders and monitors. 现阶段在数字视频通信领域存在多种图像编码标准,这些标准除语法格式不同外,在压缩效率、输出码率、图像格式等方面也不完全相同,它们分别适用于不同的网络环境、解码器和监视器。
The fifth part describes the syntax function of this format. Owing to its abundant changeable components, it shows its variety while used as the syntax components. 第五部分描写该格式的句法功能,由于格式的可变成分丰富,所以整个格式在充当句法成分时也体现了多样性。
Network protocol refers to a set of rules that controls two equal entities to communicating. Its syntax and semantics define separately the format of the exchanging information and the operation to be completed by the sender or recipient. 网络协议是指控制两个对等实体进行通信的规则的集合,它的语法和语义分别定义了所交换信息的格式与发送者或接受者所要完成的操作。